Red Books Events

Red Books is a hub for various creatives and free thinkers.  Here are some of the groups and events that run in our stores.



A monthly spoken-word open-mic hosted by Deirdre McGarry and Alanna Hammel, featuring a guest poet followed by an open-mic.

 ☆ 7.30pm Friday 21st March                           ☆ 7.30pm Friday 25th April                              ☆ 7.30pm Friday 30th May

The Driftwood Sessions ~ Live original music 

☆ 7.30pm Friday 28th March                            ☆ 7.30pm Friday 11th April                                  ☆ 7.30pm Friday 9th May                                  ☆ 7.30pm Friday 23rd May



Cómhrá (Irish language discussion group)

☆ Meets at 11am every Wednesday. Beginners welcome. €2 fee.


Beginners Pottery 

11am every Friday 

Tales from Beyond Launch

7pm Friday 4th April

Mindfulness Meditation 

2pm every Thursday 


Chess Club

☆ Currently on hiatus.


Write Club

2pm every Wednesday



Art with Ita

Mindfulness Art Group

☆2pm every Friday


Sanctuary Mental Wellness Cafe

Daily events 


Always Be Crafting Craft Group 

Weekly meeting for those who like to knit, crochet and do other crafts.  Every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 10-1pm.


Diamond Art 

Weekly meeting every Tuesday from 2-4.45pm. New artists welcome.



Buntas Cainte

Currently on hiatus 



The Rhythm Room 

Monthly live music hosted by Gar Cullen of Hoist the Colours Studio.  Currently on hiatus.

Music with Martina 

A night with local singers hosted by Martina Byrne. Guests include Franko Doyle, Gemma Garnham, Shane Kenny, Lisa Maher, Michael McCourt, Matilda Rowe, John Stewart and Joe Keeling. 


Bored Games

Board game meet up hosted by Rachel every Wednesday from 3.30pm.

Wexford Youth Literary Society 

Meets every second Saturday in Red Books Wexford from 12-2pm.  


Rí Rá Comedy Club

Monthly comedy club in Red Books. Currently on hiatus.